Sunday, 16 December 2012

Guess whos baaaack!

Guess whos back, back again.. Hey hoes!

Its been a while hm? A lot of shits gone down since I last posted. But I have so much appreciation for the dace that people are STILL logging on to read my blogs. So, I though, rather than trying to keep up with three times a week and babbling about random shit no one cares about...That I'll start posting about things that connect with you all again, the kind of posts that go me this far.

Also, I posted a video on youtube of me singing on youtube, its hardly viral but I'll be posting them now and again so it'd mean the world for you all to watch it.

By the way, this doesnt count as my once a month blog, I was thinking of the 26th? or the 24th? Basically its going to depned on how long it take me..
See you soon you bunch of sluts.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

catching up..

Hey hoes! 

I feel horrible for not keeping up with my posts. But since I got back to school I've been rushed off my feet with all this exam shit and all the catching up I had to do because I was away.. I am going to try my best to keep posting, but it's just going to be once a week for now. So I shall see you  all on Wednesday!

Also, I'm hoping to start vlogging in about three weeks.It'll be very similar to my post but hopefully a bit more dramatic and funnier. Remember to follow me on twitter and tumblr too!

See you sluts next wednesday:*

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Not giving a fuck.

Life suddenly becomes SO much easier when you decide to stop caring what anyone thinks and grow some confidence. It's like this magical thing that just makes it seem like the things that used to drag you down aren't even there anymore. Like, I like to wear a lot of make-up, and I used to do this because I was self conscious, but now it's because I like the way it looks. Because I stopped giving a fuck.
Like any girl I refuse to leave the house without mascara because i have blond eye lashes so I look like a ten year old boy. But I've stopped feeling the need to be constantly caked in it.

Even the if the way you walk changes, it can just make you seem so much more confident, I feel amazing when I walk down the street like I don't give a fuck. Strutting my stuff like I'm a fucking celebrity! Shakin' mah hips, wigglin' mah booty. Fuck yeah.

Me and my friends also like to walk around school singing very loudly. I'm not saying this is something you SHOULD do.. but it's a lot of fun. And people quickly realize you're different and you can figure out weather they like you or not a lot faster. Another thing about real friends, maybe I should post about 'real friends' some time...

Another thing about when you stop giving a fuck. its harder for people to get at you. Like, if you're not self conscious, its a lot harder for you to get offended. But you must be careful, there's a fine line between seeming like you don't give a fuck and seeming big headed. So you don't act like you're a gorgeous skinny super model. More like, I'm not perfect? Who gives a fuck!

So eventually the people who try to put you down will run out of things to say.
One day they'll try to think of an insult to throw at you and they'll just be like....fuck ._.

So the moral of today's post, not giving a fuck, could change your life. Just be careful hoes. Xx

Class dismissed.

Monday, 17 September 2012


Hey hoes!

I thought now, seeing as I'm sat on a plane, would be a good time to post about what annoys me about planes, I have a lot of time to kill while I'm sat on a flight to Florida. Nine long, long hours. I might not be putting anything on other than this for a few weeks as clever Leonie made the dumb ass mistake of forgetting to pack her laptop charger. Clever bitch.

Anyways..10 things I hate about planes.

#1 They always, ALWAYS have 'that smell' just a particular smell, like what old people have how they all smell the same.. They just always have the same smell n planes, I don't know what it's from but it's fucking disgusting.

#2 There's always that one annoying bitch stood there as you get on saying 'thank you for flying with us' whilst people are walking on in single file. yeah hoe, I heard you say that to the person three places in front of me so Ima walk straight the fuck past you hoe.

#3 The toilets. They're fucking terrifying. I have to open to door before I flush it press the button.. then run for my life! I feel like Ima get sucked into it and dropped into the middle of the ocean, I mean.. dafuq is up with that?

#4 The food's shite. Nuff said.

#5 There's always that one crazy mother fucker who just walks up and down the isles from the second the seat belt sign goes off to the second it goes back on. What is the need to do that? I understand doing it now and again so your legs don't go numb but occasionally you need to sit the fuck down.

#6 If you're sat in a chair on the end next the the isle, you've fucked it. You always end up with that old man putting his shit in the over head bin. Shoving his belly button fluff and bulge in yo' face. Seriously, yo' sack gets any closer to my face I'll rip it the fuck off.

#7 The seat belt sign always comes on the SECOND you realise you need the toilet. And you end up sitting there for half an hour busting yo' guts holding it in. Like 
I am right now! How annoying.
The only thing more annoying than that is when you're actually using the bathroom when it comes on and EVERYONE accept you is sat down when you come out. You just feel like a dick walking down that isle with everyone giving you that 'Have you just done a shit?' look.

#8 When everyone's trying to get to sleep and there's always that one annoying fucker who has to have their light on, window open, air conditioning and headphones blasting, Reading a book and you'll have never heard anyone turn a page louder. STFU Can you not SEE that people ALL AROUND you are trying to sleep? Or are you just plain ignorant. Selfish.

#9 There's ALWAYS (again, like I have right now) that annoying little 4-7 year old sat in front of you that can't stop playing with the seat adjuster. STOP. You don't understand how many typos I've made while she's been banging away on this chair. Remember, the table my laptop's on is connected to it.
Seriously, if she doesn't stop moving Ima boot her chair so hard that she'll end up sat with the pilot.

#10 CRYING BABIES. I don't give a rats ass how tired he is, keep little baby, junior, son of a bitch under control.

And The moral of today's post. Nine hour flights...Never seem worth it.

Class dismissed!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

guess who's back bitches!

Hey hoes, here I am, back again.

Feel really bad that I've not posted while I've been away! It's just really hard to find the time and I was a dumb bitch and left with no laptop charger. But yeah, I'm back, and posts will continue as they used to next week starting with everything I HATE about flying.

Also, I here the power puff girls are coming back too.. just saying..

Sunday, 2 September 2012


Hey hoes!

I'm on holiday at the moment so I possibly am going to miss a few days where I should be posting because I'm like..doing something everyday..
On the way here I did actually write a post on my laptop that I planned to put on here today. However, I am a total dumb ass and I forgot to pack my fecking laptop charger. -.- So that will go on in two weeks when I'm back from Florida.

So, I thought today I'd just talk about holidays, yanno, while I'm on one.

The beauty of staying in a Villa rather than an apartment or hotel is there's SO much more privacy. No one comes in to clean and move all your stuff around. You have your own pool so you don't have to share with old people and kids. Both of which are probably peeing in the pool. And you don't get one of those families. Yanno, the ones that you speak to once then they feel the need to spend the rest of the holiday with you. Sit by the pool with you, go to dinner with you & go to the theme parks and water parks on the same day as you.
Bitch, I came on holiday with my family. Not yours. Back the fuck off.

I'm soooooo pissed off though cause I'm burnt so much that I look like my skin was meant to be red. my lips are so burnt that they're blistering. I look so damn attractive.

Anyways, I don't have much else to say so.. Sorry if you came on and I hadn't put anything I will try to put something on this week or next while I'm here but my minds just blank as to what I should talk about. 

Also, now I'm hitting the thousands with my readers I will possibly start doing youtube rants as well!

See you all sooooon:*

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Sluts on the internet.

Hey hoes! Really ill today so it's only going to be a quick one.. Firstly, omfg sound so sad getting so excited over it but this morning i checked on my blog and over a thousand people have read it, so if you're one of those people whose come and read my blog every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for the past two weeks thank you so much I am so grateful! Seriously when I started this shit I thought I'd be lucky if 100 people read it. So yeah thank you!

Okay so, today I saw a photo of a girl who's had bike handles tattooed onto the bottom of her back just above her booty. I mean, seriously. Bitch, please! Get yo' ass to the nearest hospital and get some medication because either you're INSANE or your respect has gone down the drain.

I don't have a problem with tattoos. I plan to get one myself in a few years. But something that insinuates something like that is just disgusting. You may as well have had 'take advantage of me' inked on your fore head. I'm really failing to understand what would posses a person to do such a thing.

I don't even know who she is. I saw it on a group on facebook.. But I'm glad I don't 'cause if I did know her... I wouldn't want to. I really can't stress enough how much these girls piss me off. Like the type of girls who put photographs in there underwear on there facebooks. What pisses me off even more is the way these silly whores wine about getting played afterwards. 
I'm sorry darling but, you asked for it.

And the worst part, these are usually the type of girls giving out stick when other girls have photos on in swimwear on holiday. I'm sorry but, I know underwear and swimwear show the same amount of flesh..however, I don't see how a photo of someone on the beach with there family is even half as slutty as standing in your mirror with no clothes on.

So the moral of today's post is, facebook and sluts are both good for nothing.

Class dismissed.

Monday, 27 August 2012

The judging panel.

hey hoes!

Yanno what I've just been thinking? Wouldn't the world be lovely if people were free to do what they wanted without the fear of being judged? A lot of people are very good at ignoring it, but others aren't and it effects their personality, style and confidence. Because some people are so shy and scared they'll do what ever it takes to fit in and not be ridiculed. 

How ever on the other hand some people live off what people think of them. For example, like whores. People who live of the likes that they get on facebook. What annoys me most is the way people say the girls are the worst. If you have the slightest bit of flesh out on a facebook photo it's all for the likes. But boys are just as bad. Bragging about how many likes they have to people. 

Lads, listen up. THINKING THAT YOU'RE GOOD LOOKING IS NOT ATTRACTIVE. ok? Saying things like 'just cause I get more likes than you' makes you sound like a twat.

I strongly believe that each and every one of us have out own panel of judges. A certain person or group of people that we are constantly aware are judging us. The problem being that some people actually let this effect the way you behave. DON'T.

If someone is sad enough to be all up in yo' face and involved in yo' shit and you can't breath in the wrong direction without them having something to say about it. Do not & I mean DO NOT let this effect who you are. All they want is to feel in control. The second you show weakness you've blown it. If you show that you are who you are no matter what then eventually they'll get the picture.

So, you've had your lessons on being who you are. Now you've had them on not letting anyone change that. The moral of today's post; facebook likes and other bitches opinions don't matter! The only person who needs to be happy with who you are is you. And never EVER let someone change that! or you'll have me to answer too hoes!

Class dismissed!
Hey Michael c; 

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Young love..

Hey hoes! 

First of all I'd like to say a huge thank you to the people who've followed my twitter and tumblr! It means a lot to me to know who's logging on to read the blogs I put on.

Okay, young love. Absolutely painful. Absolutely pointless. Because it's not even real. It's all an illusion.

It's a bitch, you get this idea into your head that you've fallen for someone and you gain very strong feelings for them. But it isn't love. I say it like I know what love is..But I don't. I'm not old enough to understand and I know it.

But I know what young loves like. And I know it's shit. It lasts a couple of months or a year or so if you're lucky.. Then its all over. Then one, if not both of you is left to pay the painful price. It's a feeling no words could ever describe.

If you ask me, 'love' before you hit 18 really isn't worth it. I'd rather just have a close friendship or a loose relationship with someone. Not in like.. a slut way. I mean I'd rather have a male best friend who I can spend time with occasionally and have a laugh with & that be it. Or be in a relationship where it's just like that but with a bit more kissing and cuddling.. you could behave like friends and go out with your other friends. And at the end of the day, there's nothing more awkward than when you're out with some friends and two of them are tongue deep in each others throats.

I don't believe that teenagers should be made to feel like a married couple when they're in a relationship. Spending each waking hour at each others side. Like, some couples I know may as well go for a shit together cause that's the longest they spend apart.. and even then they're probably texting each other.

Well, let's face it. If you're a teenager in a's not going to last forever. And when it comes to its painful horrible end, I like to have friends to be able to go to. I know it'd piss me off if some dumb hoe of a friend didn't speak to me for months because she was in a relationship and then all of sudden they were up my arse tryna be my best friend again..I wouldn't be down with that. 

But I was that girl once, and I know what it's like to think you're in love. And I'm really grateful that my friends were dumb ass enough to take me back or I would have been in the absolute shit. So I suggest you try to avoid getting into one of those situations.

So the moral of today's post. Relationships when you're young should be about having fun and getting to know someone and having someone you can trust in yo' life. Not some dirty scumbag or hoe who uses and manipulates you. Or someone you spend every waking moment with. Also, if you've stopped speaking and you just sit in silence all the time..It's time to bail out.

Oh and one last thing about relationships..I believe that you can love who you want no matter how old you are. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Yes, I'm talking about the gay community. 

Class dismissed.      

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


This pisses me off to the point of crying. Okay, I'm so so SICK of seeing pictures of everyones idea of perfect. Bleach blond girls with hair down to there 'perfectly' plump arse with loose curls hanging by their 'perfectly' flat stomach. Clear spotless skin, 'perfect' figure & boobs.
 Boys with dark sweeping hair, six packs, pecks& peaches. Both 'perfectly' tanned, slim, spotless, with 'perfect' teeth& facial features. I'm not saying these people are unattractive, but they're defiantly not perfect. 

I would like to stress that you do NOT have to look like this to be beautiful. Okay? Not everyone has to look like Tumblr girls or Hollister models. And even if one day everyone did, then what would beauty be worth? nothing.

I think imperfections are perfect. Ok? To be PERFECTLY honest, I don't think people with virtually nothing wrong with them are perfect. I think they're annoying. I'm gunna get Christian hate for this, but, they say Jesus is perfect.. But I disagree. I've read the bible, ok? I went to Christian school, ok? And not ONCE have I read a passage where Jesus has cracked a joke. I fail to believe that someone without a sense of humour can be perfect.

Who's this person who decided what perfect is? Is it the same person that decided what normal is? I don't understand what defines perfect, or normal. It's a psychological thing. Normal and perfect in your own mind is only whats normal or perfect for you.  So there's no such thing as perfect really, it's not something everyone can agree on or you can all see. It's 100% psychological. 

I know I'm not perfect, I mean.. HELLO?! I'm almost what they call legally blind. So I guess I'm currently illegally blind? Anyways, lets not get off track, my eye sight's not even perfect, so I'm obviously not? But there's people who will think I am. And theirs people who'll think you are too, who ever you are, no matter what. 

You're never going to be beautiful and perfect to the whole world. And you're never going to get to the point where everyone likes you..But I believe that everyone has those people who love them for their imperfections. You're stupid laugh, you're bad jokes, you're freckles, you're mood swings, everything.

But no matter who thinks your perfect... you are ALL beautiful. Trust me.

Class Dismissed.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Horror movies.

Hey hoes. There are so many things that annoy me about horror movies. Other than the fact that most of the time there is zero chance of any of this bullshit happening in real life, a lot of aspects of the movies get on my nerves due to how unrealistic they are.

Ten things I hate about horror movies and why.

#1 - I hate the way that women sleep with a face full of make-up. Ok, ok.. so I know they're not gunna get filmed with literally NO  make-up on, but I don't see the need for shit loads of eye make-up & blusher, I mean..come on?

#2-I hate the way that..especially in movies like the final destination ones.. every thing's so convenient! Like, how certain tiny little things all happen to create this one big thing. I know it's to create effect, but somehow I find it all too hard to believe. I over think things.

#3- I hate the way that people can never do things in the day time, where it's safe & there's people. They have to wait till 1 in the morning to go and look at a crime scene. Dafuq? Yeah gurl, lets go look at that crime scene that'd be perfectly safe and mass murder free in the day time, but lets not go for another 4 hours just to make it more exciting, mhmmm. NO! You stupid bastards.

#4- I hate the way that no one can look in a mirror without someone or something appearing behind them. I'm done even getting scared at these moments. Nuff said.

#5-I hate the way that there's always ALWAYS one survivor. You never get a film where everyone just dies. There's always that one person who walks off into the distance. 

#6-I hate the way that survivors always the best looking girl. Not only is she the most stupid one, but she's the skinniest one. So how the fuck does dumb hoe have the brains to figure out how to escape? Or the muscle to fight off the bad guy?

#7-I hate the way that one minute, someones legs broken and they're limping..And he next they're sprinting like Usain Bolt. I find it hard to believe that. No matter how scared you are there is no way that it is possible for Adrenalin to seize a bone back together, it just wouldn't happen.

#8- I hate the way that when the main character hears a noise, instead of doing the normal thing and running a mile, they feel the need to go and investigate. Get in yo' car, and drive the fuck away. If you're home alone and it sounds like someone's upstairs, there probably is someone upstairs.

9#- I hate the way that they have to choose the dumbest and most cliche hiding places in the world! Hiding under their beds or in the closet. Why you even still in the house?! RUN BITCH, RUUUUUUUUUUN!

10#- This must be the one I hate most. I hate the way that when people go back for their friends (Another thing that gets on my nerves, I'd be GONE!) they go into a room shouting for them, and although the room is so small that if someone was in there they'd be in plain sight, they feel the need to just stand in the doorway shouting for them. Hoe, you gunna die.

So there you have it, the 10 things I hate about horror movies. It's a wonder I  still watch them. So the moral of today's rant; Don't let horror movies give you nightmares, Because none of this shit would ever happen. Also, don't sleep with yo' make-up on.

Class Dismissed.

P.s Oh, hey Rico.:-)

Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Instagram hype.

...Shared a photo on instagram...shared a photo via instagram... instagram..instagram..FUCKING INSTAGRAM!

I'm sick of the sight of this shit! Fuck! ok, you're taking photo's of useless shit with your special sepia effect!...So?! Why is this so much more special and important than just getting out your camera or phone& taking a normal picture?

Fair enough, I don't have instagram, so... I don't have to look at it do I?... WRONG! This shits hooked up to people's facebook! All's I see all the way down my news feed is orangie coloured photo's of people's stupid shit..Hoe, I don't wanna see a picture of your ketchup? 

What's worse, it's slowly creeping into twitter and tumblr too. No where is safe from the instagram hype. I'm starting to forget what original photos even look like anymore. 

Another rather annoying this about instagram photo's. If they're not orange photos of peoples dinner, its a mock up, clearly computer made photo of boys supposedly sending really cute text to girls. Shes all like 'I don't wanna see you today I'm on my period!' 
And He's like 'I'll be round in five minutes with blankets, movies and Ben and Jerry's. And everyone's like omg #cute #WantThisRealationship. You wanna know what I'd hash tag it? #GETREAL.
If its not 'adorable' none realistic none existing relationships, it's feminist shit where she's obviously been 'played' and he's all apologetic and she's like 'No, I've let you play me too many times I'm through with you, I've moved on..' Blah Blah BLAHHHHH!

Neither of the above ever actually occur in real life. Also, why do all these 'real' people have iphones? And personally, when I'm in a relationship I don't save his number as 'HIM<3<3<3<3'. Is this not enough to make you people wake the fuck up? Open your eyes.

So, in conclusion, people who do NOT have instagram should not have to go though the agony of seeing these sepia oddly focuses pictures everywhere they look, so instagram fans.   -Keep it to yourself. 

Class dismissed.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Hello stalkers.!/followers -Follow my Twitter. -Follow my Tumblr.

 You won't be hearing from me till Sunday bitches, so if you feel the need to stalk my life here you go. Made new ones just for you. Much love!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Body Confidence.

Hey bitches! Me again.

This has been bothering me for a while now. People that 'think' they're fat when they're perfectly slim& an amazing shape. I say 'think' sarcastically because sometimes I'm under the impression that some people are just moaning for the attention. I stress, SOME people.

I'm quite aware that body dysmorphic disorder is a common and very real thing, but I think so people may push it a bit. People with this problem are usually quite quiet, don't have a lot of confidence and keep there problem about the way they look to themselves. 

Okay so..Bitch please! Do you seriously expect me to believe this bullshit about you think that you're some kind of fat pig& you hate the way you look when you're all up in my face with all yo' flesh on show on all yo' facebook& twitter photos? No. I'm not taking that shit.

I'm not gunna sugar coat it. I'm also not saying that this is the circumstance with everyone...But to be blunt; I think these people are just attention seeking. I was just saying it, you were all thinking it. 

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but some people genuinely do feel this way, like me, I do. That's why it annoys me so much when people who know they're thin say they're fat. pulling at their stomachs moaning 'omg look at all this flab' Hunny, that's yo' skin. 

Here's some hints on knowing if someone genuinely thinks they're fat;

1) If they are actually fat, they probably think so.

2) If they have a belly bar, they probably don't think they're fat, I'm just saying, I know I have a big stomach, therefor, I wouldn't pay for something that I could only see 10% of the time, like...when I'm lying down. I don't see the point. 

3)If they're all up in their facebook pictures with their stomach on show, t-shirt pulled up to their bra even though their t-shit isn't even meant to show stomach, they're obviously quite confident in themselves.

Finally, I would like to say, to anyone who may be on the verge of taking offence because we've all worked you out..DON'T. It's a compliment in disguise. I'm telling you you're thin. take it & leave.

Also I'm realllly going to stress that this isn't the case with everyone. But please, if it's the case with you. STOP.

And if you genuinely are self conscious like i was fir a very long time about my weight. You're beautiful.

Class dismissed.

New posts every Monday, Wednesday & Sundays.

Monday, 13 August 2012

being yo' self.

Ok,ok. So, I've always been one of those people who have a lot to say for themselves, I have very large opinions and I feel that they deserve to be heard. Weather the timings right or not. There for, as you'd probably guessed, if you're a smart arse, I get in a lot of arguments. But, the thing is, I don't care.

When you've been in as many arguments as I have, you get to this point where you think you know what, fuck this, ima be who ima be & the people who don't like that can step away& move on.
Being yourself makes it sooooo much easier to realise who your real friends are, who actually like& care about who you are. It also immediately gets rid of the people you don't need in your life. People who can't appreciate who you are. Although this may not seem to be a good thing in the present, it will be in the future. TRUST ME.

How ever, suddenly becoming the person you want to be after being someone youre not for so long may shock those around you. So people might think you're being 'fake' or 'changing' and this could result in fall out between friends. 
On the other hand, if this does happen 1 of 2 things is going to happen either;
 1) Over time they will realize, you're just being who you are and that they need to apreciate that and they will apologize& y'all will skip over the rainbow hand in hand& stuff. 
Or 2) You wont be friends any more because they think you're some sort of phonie balonie bitch who they dont wanna be around anymore. And you know that bitch is goin' in yo' burn book.

But at the end of the day, if you wanna be different, you wanna be gay, or bi, or transgender, or loud, or dye your hair a crazy colour, or go against trends& fashion.. If that's who you are, then that's no one else's business. 
Class dismissed.