Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Instagram hype.

...Shared a photo on instagram...shared a photo via instagram... instagram..instagram..FUCKING INSTAGRAM!

I'm sick of the sight of this shit! Fuck! ok, you're taking photo's of useless shit with your special sepia effect!...So?! Why is this so much more special and important than just getting out your camera or phone& taking a normal picture?

Fair enough, I don't have instagram, so... I don't have to look at it do I?... WRONG! This shits hooked up to people's facebook! All's I see all the way down my news feed is orangie coloured photo's of people's stupid shit..Hoe, I don't wanna see a picture of your ketchup? 

What's worse, it's slowly creeping into twitter and tumblr too. No where is safe from the instagram hype. I'm starting to forget what original photos even look like anymore. 

Another rather annoying this about instagram photo's. If they're not orange photos of peoples dinner, its a mock up, clearly computer made photo of boys supposedly sending really cute text to girls. Shes all like 'I don't wanna see you today I'm on my period!' 
And He's like 'I'll be round in five minutes with blankets, movies and Ben and Jerry's. And everyone's like omg #cute #WantThisRealationship. You wanna know what I'd hash tag it? #GETREAL.
If its not 'adorable' none realistic none existing relationships, it's feminist shit where she's obviously been 'played' and he's all apologetic and she's like 'No, I've let you play me too many times I'm through with you, I've moved on..' Blah Blah BLAHHHHH!

Neither of the above ever actually occur in real life. Also, why do all these 'real' people have iphones? And personally, when I'm in a relationship I don't save his number as 'HIM<3<3<3<3'. Is this not enough to make you people wake the fuck up? Open your eyes.

So, in conclusion, people who do NOT have instagram should not have to go though the agony of seeing these sepia oddly focuses pictures everywhere they look, so instagram fans.   -Keep it to yourself. 

Class dismissed.

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