Wednesday, 22 August 2012


This pisses me off to the point of crying. Okay, I'm so so SICK of seeing pictures of everyones idea of perfect. Bleach blond girls with hair down to there 'perfectly' plump arse with loose curls hanging by their 'perfectly' flat stomach. Clear spotless skin, 'perfect' figure & boobs.
 Boys with dark sweeping hair, six packs, pecks& peaches. Both 'perfectly' tanned, slim, spotless, with 'perfect' teeth& facial features. I'm not saying these people are unattractive, but they're defiantly not perfect. 

I would like to stress that you do NOT have to look like this to be beautiful. Okay? Not everyone has to look like Tumblr girls or Hollister models. And even if one day everyone did, then what would beauty be worth? nothing.

I think imperfections are perfect. Ok? To be PERFECTLY honest, I don't think people with virtually nothing wrong with them are perfect. I think they're annoying. I'm gunna get Christian hate for this, but, they say Jesus is perfect.. But I disagree. I've read the bible, ok? I went to Christian school, ok? And not ONCE have I read a passage where Jesus has cracked a joke. I fail to believe that someone without a sense of humour can be perfect.

Who's this person who decided what perfect is? Is it the same person that decided what normal is? I don't understand what defines perfect, or normal. It's a psychological thing. Normal and perfect in your own mind is only whats normal or perfect for you.  So there's no such thing as perfect really, it's not something everyone can agree on or you can all see. It's 100% psychological. 

I know I'm not perfect, I mean.. HELLO?! I'm almost what they call legally blind. So I guess I'm currently illegally blind? Anyways, lets not get off track, my eye sight's not even perfect, so I'm obviously not? But there's people who will think I am. And theirs people who'll think you are too, who ever you are, no matter what. 

You're never going to be beautiful and perfect to the whole world. And you're never going to get to the point where everyone likes you..But I believe that everyone has those people who love them for their imperfections. You're stupid laugh, you're bad jokes, you're freckles, you're mood swings, everything.

But no matter who thinks your perfect... you are ALL beautiful. Trust me.

Class Dismissed.

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