Monday, 27 August 2012

The judging panel.

hey hoes!

Yanno what I've just been thinking? Wouldn't the world be lovely if people were free to do what they wanted without the fear of being judged? A lot of people are very good at ignoring it, but others aren't and it effects their personality, style and confidence. Because some people are so shy and scared they'll do what ever it takes to fit in and not be ridiculed. 

How ever on the other hand some people live off what people think of them. For example, like whores. People who live of the likes that they get on facebook. What annoys me most is the way people say the girls are the worst. If you have the slightest bit of flesh out on a facebook photo it's all for the likes. But boys are just as bad. Bragging about how many likes they have to people. 

Lads, listen up. THINKING THAT YOU'RE GOOD LOOKING IS NOT ATTRACTIVE. ok? Saying things like 'just cause I get more likes than you' makes you sound like a twat.

I strongly believe that each and every one of us have out own panel of judges. A certain person or group of people that we are constantly aware are judging us. The problem being that some people actually let this effect the way you behave. DON'T.

If someone is sad enough to be all up in yo' face and involved in yo' shit and you can't breath in the wrong direction without them having something to say about it. Do not & I mean DO NOT let this effect who you are. All they want is to feel in control. The second you show weakness you've blown it. If you show that you are who you are no matter what then eventually they'll get the picture.

So, you've had your lessons on being who you are. Now you've had them on not letting anyone change that. The moral of today's post; facebook likes and other bitches opinions don't matter! The only person who needs to be happy with who you are is you. And never EVER let someone change that! or you'll have me to answer too hoes!

Class dismissed!
Hey Michael c; 

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