Sunday 17 February 2013

Facebook famous.

'I'm just sooo facebook famous with my 6 thousand subscribers. My life is so exciting. I'm so glad my life revolves around getting likes by doing stupid things like wearing my own arse as a hat cause I can't pull my head out of it.'
NO. You are not 'facebook famous' youre a MORON.
The level of anger these annoyances bring me to is surreal. The belief they have in themselves that if they post photos and videos of them doing and saying pointless, moronic things they're life will be worth something is truly beyond me.
  The amount of 'facebook famous' people who actually seem to entertain me in any way, shape or form is a very, very small number. This isn't because I lack sense of humor, because I don't, it's because the vast majority of these people lack any actual talent.
  However, it ceases to amaze me that the public fall into this trap. Because 'Everyone's watching it'

  Oooh you're facebook famous? Bitch, swerve! I'm a top result on Google. Choke on it!
Class dismissed.

Saturday 5 January 2013

The little things.

Hey hoes!
An unbelievable amount of shit has gone in since my last full length post. Like, too much to fit in all at once. But we'll get to that.
  So, basically over new year with like new years resolutions and all that bull crap.. Ive been doing a lot of reflecting on myself and who I am and who I wanna be. And, the other day I was thinking about my blogs and I realised I may have got a track with the shit I've been posting about.
Soooo, I decided that my posts are going to be monthly instead of like three times a week cause it got to the point where I was just posting about any old shit that came to mind. Like, one day I found myself almost posting about how much I hate my new toaster and that's when I just had to stop myself and take myself for a quiet word.
So, one of my new years resolutions is to appreciate the 'little things' more. Because 2012 was a shitty, shitty year. When I was reflecting on that I realised I spent a lot of 2012 being an emotional, hormonal little wreck and I just don't wanna be that girl this year. I got upset about boys A LOT last year but I've started 2013 on my own, single as a strong, independent mother fucking woman.
Yeah, I've decided that in 2013 I'm gunna appreciate what I do have rather than what I don't have. Not going to lie, ive not seen my dad in quite a while and I spent a lot of time being upset about that last year. And recently when I've been thinking about that I've been a little bit scared that I may have made my family and maybe even my friends feel like they're not enough... Especially with my mum but I think she's the most amazing mum ever like she pretty much raised me on her own and me and my brother we weren't perfect kids. So, I always try to be the best I can be.. Not for me but for my mum cause she's been amazing.
I think everyone should appreciate their families a little more this year like come on we didn't die in December like we were 'supposed' to.. I have the most amazing family ever. I mean, we have a lot of drama they're not perfect I mean, if Im honest, they're a bunch of weirdos.
Another thing I'm happy about and thankful for is living in the UK. I mean I may not live in the nicest or the classiest part and it rains like 95% of the year but like come on I could have been born in a place that's in poverty into a pile of mud but I wasn't I was lucky enough to be born in a clean, warm, sanitary hospital.
That's something else that pisses me off. When people complain about the NHS. These people go to collage and what ever for like 7 years or some shit to train so that they can have the knowledge to know how to save a person's life. These people have saved so many lives and people have the cheek to.complain about it..ungrateful.
I'm also thankful for all of the people who actually go through the effort to come and read my rants everytime I post. I think you're all amazing! I had a look the other day and people all over the world have been reading my rambling. Thank you all so much.
On that note I hope this made you think about the little things a little bit more and about your family and stuff and I will post again on the 6th of February or maybe even before then.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter if you just can't keep away for that long!
my new twitter is @Leonieleigh

Sunday 16 December 2012

Guess whos baaaack!

Guess whos back, back again.. Hey hoes!

Its been a while hm? A lot of shits gone down since I last posted. But I have so much appreciation for the dace that people are STILL logging on to read my blogs. So, I though, rather than trying to keep up with three times a week and babbling about random shit no one cares about...That I'll start posting about things that connect with you all again, the kind of posts that go me this far.

Also, I posted a video on youtube of me singing on youtube, its hardly viral but I'll be posting them now and again so it'd mean the world for you all to watch it.

By the way, this doesnt count as my once a month blog, I was thinking of the 26th? or the 24th? Basically its going to depned on how long it take me..
See you soon you bunch of sluts.

Thursday 27 September 2012

catching up..

Hey hoes! 

I feel horrible for not keeping up with my posts. But since I got back to school I've been rushed off my feet with all this exam shit and all the catching up I had to do because I was away.. I am going to try my best to keep posting, but it's just going to be once a week for now. So I shall see you  all on Wednesday!

Also, I'm hoping to start vlogging in about three weeks.It'll be very similar to my post but hopefully a bit more dramatic and funnier. Remember to follow me on twitter and tumblr too!

See you sluts next wednesday:*

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Not giving a fuck.

Life suddenly becomes SO much easier when you decide to stop caring what anyone thinks and grow some confidence. It's like this magical thing that just makes it seem like the things that used to drag you down aren't even there anymore. Like, I like to wear a lot of make-up, and I used to do this because I was self conscious, but now it's because I like the way it looks. Because I stopped giving a fuck.
Like any girl I refuse to leave the house without mascara because i have blond eye lashes so I look like a ten year old boy. But I've stopped feeling the need to be constantly caked in it.

Even the if the way you walk changes, it can just make you seem so much more confident, I feel amazing when I walk down the street like I don't give a fuck. Strutting my stuff like I'm a fucking celebrity! Shakin' mah hips, wigglin' mah booty. Fuck yeah.

Me and my friends also like to walk around school singing very loudly. I'm not saying this is something you SHOULD do.. but it's a lot of fun. And people quickly realize you're different and you can figure out weather they like you or not a lot faster. Another thing about real friends, maybe I should post about 'real friends' some time...

Another thing about when you stop giving a fuck. its harder for people to get at you. Like, if you're not self conscious, its a lot harder for you to get offended. But you must be careful, there's a fine line between seeming like you don't give a fuck and seeming big headed. So you don't act like you're a gorgeous skinny super model. More like, I'm not perfect? Who gives a fuck!

So eventually the people who try to put you down will run out of things to say.
One day they'll try to think of an insult to throw at you and they'll just be like....fuck ._.

So the moral of today's post, not giving a fuck, could change your life. Just be careful hoes. Xx

Class dismissed.

Monday 17 September 2012


Hey hoes!

I thought now, seeing as I'm sat on a plane, would be a good time to post about what annoys me about planes, I have a lot of time to kill while I'm sat on a flight to Florida. Nine long, long hours. I might not be putting anything on other than this for a few weeks as clever Leonie made the dumb ass mistake of forgetting to pack her laptop charger. Clever bitch.

Anyways..10 things I hate about planes.

#1 They always, ALWAYS have 'that smell' just a particular smell, like what old people have how they all smell the same.. They just always have the same smell n planes, I don't know what it's from but it's fucking disgusting.

#2 There's always that one annoying bitch stood there as you get on saying 'thank you for flying with us' whilst people are walking on in single file. yeah hoe, I heard you say that to the person three places in front of me so Ima walk straight the fuck past you hoe.

#3 The toilets. They're fucking terrifying. I have to open to door before I flush it press the button.. then run for my life! I feel like Ima get sucked into it and dropped into the middle of the ocean, I mean.. dafuq is up with that?

#4 The food's shite. Nuff said.

#5 There's always that one crazy mother fucker who just walks up and down the isles from the second the seat belt sign goes off to the second it goes back on. What is the need to do that? I understand doing it now and again so your legs don't go numb but occasionally you need to sit the fuck down.

#6 If you're sat in a chair on the end next the the isle, you've fucked it. You always end up with that old man putting his shit in the over head bin. Shoving his belly button fluff and bulge in yo' face. Seriously, yo' sack gets any closer to my face I'll rip it the fuck off.

#7 The seat belt sign always comes on the SECOND you realise you need the toilet. And you end up sitting there for half an hour busting yo' guts holding it in. Like 
I am right now! How annoying.
The only thing more annoying than that is when you're actually using the bathroom when it comes on and EVERYONE accept you is sat down when you come out. You just feel like a dick walking down that isle with everyone giving you that 'Have you just done a shit?' look.

#8 When everyone's trying to get to sleep and there's always that one annoying fucker who has to have their light on, window open, air conditioning and headphones blasting, Reading a book and you'll have never heard anyone turn a page louder. STFU Can you not SEE that people ALL AROUND you are trying to sleep? Or are you just plain ignorant. Selfish.

#9 There's ALWAYS (again, like I have right now) that annoying little 4-7 year old sat in front of you that can't stop playing with the seat adjuster. STOP. You don't understand how many typos I've made while she's been banging away on this chair. Remember, the table my laptop's on is connected to it.
Seriously, if she doesn't stop moving Ima boot her chair so hard that she'll end up sat with the pilot.

#10 CRYING BABIES. I don't give a rats ass how tired he is, keep little baby, junior, son of a bitch under control.

And The moral of today's post. Nine hour flights...Never seem worth it.

Class dismissed!

Saturday 15 September 2012

guess who's back bitches!

Hey hoes, here I am, back again.

Feel really bad that I've not posted while I've been away! It's just really hard to find the time and I was a dumb bitch and left with no laptop charger. But yeah, I'm back, and posts will continue as they used to next week starting with everything I HATE about flying.

Also, I here the power puff girls are coming back too.. just saying..